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Keep The Kids Busy Foundation, Inc. (Universal)

In accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974, all information entered into any cell of this website or in any of our websites that you are about to enter is securely protected under our policy of protection. No information entered will be entered or sold to anyone without your written consent in writing.

We strive to keep our websites safe and confident by keeping all confidential information confidential. All your information entered on this site is confidential and will not be shared with anyone. It will strictly be used for your official business with the Foundation and its website to confirm your identity and validate your access. Entering your email address and creating your own individual password is very important if you should lose or cannot recall your password, we will send you a reset confirmation to your email address that we have in our system. Your email address will also be associated with your true name that we will have in our system for additional promotional purposes.

Any form you complete beyond this point is for informational purposes only between the Foundation and yourself. It does not establish a working relationship or partnership until your process is completed and you have been issued a certified receipt of trust that will be used for tax-related reporting (as the acknowledgment of services rendered in your community) and with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or your local government. All funds collected will be reported to our corporate CPA for proper reporting to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and you for official business purposes.

Your personal information is confidential and will not be shared with anyone outside the staff working for the Foundation. Upon entering the generated code below and pressing enter on this form you will advance to the next page where additional information will be required and on some other sites. You will receive a confirmation email with the program’s account extension, etc. for your records.

After you have read this disclaimer please check the appropriate box and submit to go to the next page that will continue to guild you to the registration page for the confidential data entry, processing, and the starting process of going on this great journey into the work of this great Foundation of people that are waiting to connect with you and to play with you in your communities that we can serve.

This communication is not a solicitation of any illegal activities. It is a public humanitarian project for sale; "Get Connected, Get Linked, and Get Involved". Enjoy our service for you and your family.

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